hatherop school bushcraft session with cumulus

May Half Term Activity Club

Activity Club Tuesday May 29 – Friday 31 May 2024 for children between 5yrs and 16yrs

Come and enjoy a morning full of activities, plus a hot nutritious meal during the May half term at the Cumulus Outdoors Residential Centre in Swanage. For one week only, we will be offering a range of adventurous and fun outdoor education activities aimed at getting local children active and encouraging an interest in the great outdoors.

Each day, we will offer a fun-filled outdoor activity (weather permitting) before lunch. Not only will the children have great fun on the activity, but they will also enjoy a delicious meal to re-charge their energy levels.


As we have recently registered with Ofsted, we are now in a position to offer full day sessions, which you can try out on the Tuesday and Wednesday if you wish, and we can also accept child care vouchers. 

Tax Free Child Care: Cumulus Outdoors

Computershare Vouchers: 0026979683



                                                                                            Come and join us!

  • Date

    Tuesday 29 May until Friday 31 May 2024
  • Time

    9.00am - 1.00pm or 9.00am-5pm
  • Cost

    £18.50pp half day or £36.00pp full day
  • Location

    Cumulus Outdoors Residential Centre

Book Here

Daily Activities

Tuesday 28th May: Survival Day (Morning session or all day)

Morning: Bushcraft and Hunt the Instructor
Learn some survival skills such as camouflage and concealment to help you blend into the great outdoors. Putting your newfound skills to the test we will engage in the ultimate hide and seek challenge. Who will be the first team to uncover the camouflaged instructor? To wrap up the morning, included is a hot two course meal. You can either book the morning only or a full day ticket for Tuesday.

Afternoon: During a session of air rifles and tag archery, find out who is the best marksman or woman in your group. The tag archery activity combines archery, paintball and dodgeball, during the session we play a range of competitive and fun combat themed games (with safe, foam tipped arrows).

Wednesday 29th May: Crabbing and Sports Day (morning session or all day)

Morning: Crabbing and Beach Games
Embark on a fun-filled day of beach games and experience the thrill of crabbing by the shore. Grab a bucket and net, and try your luck at capturing these fascinating creatures. Plus, all the beach “must-dos”: digging holes, making sandcastles and seaside games! Our chef will provide a scrumptious two course meal to re-fuel. You can either book the morning only or a full day ticket for Wednesday.

Afternoon: Panasoccer and aeroball
Join us for an afternoon of panasoccer and aeroball, to engage in friendly competition and promote teamwork. During Aeroball, which combines the concept of basketball, volleyball and trampolining, and panasoccer we will play a range of mini team games run as a competition.

Thursday 30th May: Tunnelling and Crate Stack (Morning session only)

Endeavour to stack the crates higher and higher, as they wobble beneath you. How high can you build it before it comes crashing down? Then, prepare with torches and helmets to take on our new tunnelling system completing challenges as teams. And to refuel, our chef will serve up a nutritious, scrummy meal.

Friday 31st May: Create a mini sailboat and pond dipping (Morning session only)

Let’s get creative and make a mini sailboat to take outside for a test run on our pond. Then, go pond dipping to identify your finds and learn about freshwater vertebrates and invertebrates. Discover predators and prey and learn about how different pond creatures survive. A delicious two course hot lunch rounds off the morning.


If you would like, you can drop off your child at 8.15 AM for our free breakfast club, where we will share breakfast and then play fun games until the holiday club starts. Please book here.

participants building a tower made of crates for crate sack outdoor activity at Cumulus